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【朋友】What to Do About Friends Holding You Back

1 7416 分享 来源:必克英语 2011-06-30

What to Do About Friends Holding You Back


     For the most part, you probably don't need to make any radical changes to who you hang out with. As long as you understand your friends might have jealousies about your self-improvement goals, you'll be able to recognize them and deal with them.
    Just remember that if your friends tell you something is "impossible" for you to do or you "can't" do it, they might just be trying to save themselves from feeling hurt. Once you accomplish your goal they'll eventually adjust. Plus, you might give them the inspiration to break down their own assumptions and set "impossible" goals of their own. 

     Any of you have great supporting friendships? Any of you notice when your friends become jealous and sabotaging?


