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1 6457 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-12-05

Spiiker四级听力预测试题,每天练练耳朵,提升敏感度,听力so easy~

Test Four 01-05

A Once a week
B Twice a week
C Three times a week
D Four times a week
A He left his notes at home
B He doesn’t know where his notes are
C He doesn’t want to land his notes to the woman
D He agree to lend her his notes
A He will go in spite of the cold weather
B He won’t go since he is not feeling well
C He will go when he feels better
D He won’t go as he hasn’t finished his work
A Check the timetable
B Go to the railway station earlier
C Travel on a later train
D Cancel the trip earlier
A In New York
B In Boston
C In Newport
D In Washington
M: Your son seems to have made much progress in playing the piano. Does he attend any piano classes
W: Yes , he takes lessons twice a week , but from next week on , he will go to the class on Saturday
Q: How often will the woman’s son have piano lessons from next week on
分析:看选项就知道这题考的一个频度,那么到底是几次呢?我看对话怎么说的,男人的话不是很重要,只是引出问题。女人的回答是本题的关键,女人先说是twice a week , 但千万不要忙着选 B(事情不会那么简单,听到的一般不是正确答案),女人接着来了也“but”转折,说从下周开始,他儿子星期六也将去上课。 Ok 那么本来是两次,下周起再加上周六的课,答案就是C 三次。
W: Do you mind if I borrow your notes
M: No, of course not . They are on my desk
Q: What does the man mean?
分析:四个选项中有一组对立项 C D 一个是同意借笔记,一个是不愿意借,答案很有可能是其中之一。看对话是怎么进行的,女人问:是否介意我借一下你的笔记?男人回答:No, of course not 。 这里有点迷惑性,但注意男人回答的这个“No”是针对“Do you mind”的回答,意思是:不,当然不介意。所以答案是D 同意借笔记。大家在听这种题目的时候一定要弄清楚yes or no背后的含义,不要急于判断。
W: Would you like to go to the dance with me tonight ?
M: I’d love to , but I am just getting over my cold
Q: Will the man go dancing with the woman tonight?
分析:选项全部以He开头所一重点听男人的话,男人一开头就说“I’d love to , but”这个句型在前面的练习中已经遇到我了吧:我很愿意,但是…… 。看到这种花我们就基本上可以知道南人是不去的所以答案是B D 中的一个。在听他的具体原因,getting over my cold 这里 get over 是恢复的意思,在感冒的恢复中。所以答案是B,身体不好。选择D的同学我猜想你们可能是把get over 和go over 复习,这个词搞混了吧:)
W: I’m afraid we are going to miss the 03-o’clock train
M: Don’t worry . we can get our tickets changed for this evening
Q: What does the man suggest they should do
分析:这道题没什么好说的,女人说可能赶不及三点的火车了,男人说we can get our tickets changed for this evening 我们可以把票换到晚上,和C 坐晚一点的火车去旅行时比较完美的对应。
W: Do you enjoy life in Washington?
M: Yes indeed. I’m planning to move to New York or Boston . Anyway I’ve never regretted my earlier decision
Q: Where does the man live now?
分析:地点题,女人问在Washington生活得好吗?男人说,是的,确是不错。现在计划搬去New York or Boston 。 由此可见女人现在是住在Washington 。 这道题都是专有名词应该是很容易听得,且New York 和 Boston 之间是用并列连词“or”连接的,所以两者的地位是一样的,要么都正确要么都不正确。真相只有一个当然是都不正确,剩下也只能是Washington了

I agree with you
I couldn’t agree with you more / better
I think so
I can’t wait any minute
Believe it or not
I will …… if 假如……我就会
It’s my turn 轮到我了 我请客
Why not ?
You are right
I guess so 我猜也是
No problem 没问题
Of cause
Out of question 毫无疑问
So do I / me too 我也是
Sure / absolutely / beautiful 当然,很好
Good idea
That sounds really nice 听起来真不错

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