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1 7959 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-12-05

Spiiker四级听力预测试题,每天练练耳朵,提升敏感度,听力so easy~

Test Four 06—10
A A clerk at the airport information desk.
B A clerk at the railway station information desk
C A policeman.
D A taxi-driver.
A A guest and a receptionist.
B A passenger and an air hostess.
C A customer and a shop assistant.
D A guest and a waitress.
A He's better.
B He's feeling worse.
C He's sick in bed.
D He has recovered.

A The man didn't want the woman to have her hair cut.
B The woman followed the man's advice.
C The woman is wearing long hair now.
D The man didn't care if the woman had her hair cut or not.
A He will return from Paris in two weeks.
B He is studying French in Paris.
C He is having a vacation in Paris.
D He is planning to go back to Paris in a year.
W: Could you please tell me if Flight 050508 from San Francisco will be on time
M: Yes, madam It should be arriving in about 10 minutes
Q: Who do you think the woman is talking to?
M: Sorry to trouble you . But is there any possibility of borrowing a blanket ? I feel cold.
W: I think we’ve got one . Could you wait until after take off please
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers
分析:这个前一题基本属于一类题目,这题是判断人物关系。解体思路同样是抓关键词,但这题要比前一题难得多,这里有两个关键词 blanket 毯子 但最关键的一个词是take off 起飞。根据这两个词我们完全可以判断对话发生的场景和飞机有关,且和上题不同这个场景是发生在飞机上。 那么答案就是 B
W: I heard you caught a cold . How are you feeling today
M: I can’t complain . At least I’m out of bed
Q: How is the man today
分析:这里的解题关键是男人的话,At least I’m out of bed 至少我可以下床了。那也就是说比原来好一点了,但还没有完全好。所以选A
W: I wish my hair was longer
M: Yes, pity you had it cut . If only you’d listened to me
Q: What can we learn from the dialogue
分析:这段对话用到了虚拟语气。女生说:我真希望我的头发长一点,言下之意女生现在是短发。接着男人说:是的,真可惜你把它剪掉了。“If only……”虚拟语气,如果你听我的就好了。因为是虚拟语气,所以实际的意思是女人没有听从男人的意见,答案是A
W: Has Andrew come back from his trip to Paris
M: Yes , and he liked it so much that after only two weeks at home he went back to study French for a year
Q: What does this conversation tell us about Andrew
分析:这是一道动作目的题,再短对话中是比较难的一种题目。我们看着段对话,女人说Andrew 从巴黎旅行回来了是吗?男人说,yes 是的,然后又说:他非常喜欢那里,所以回来两周之后又回到巴黎学一年法语。注意这里liked,went back 用的都是过去式,说明事情已经发生了,那么Andrew现在状态应该是正在巴黎学法语,选B
下面j 总结的四级听力小技巧.。前两段对话都涉及了一个机场场景,那么就来总结一下机场场景的关键词。
plane / craft 飞机
book 订票
timetable 时间表
destination 目的地
open ticket
one way ticket 单程票
round trip ticket 来回票
non-stop / direct flight 直航
transfer / lay over / stop over 转机
first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济 舱
confirm the flight 确认航班
check in 登记
boarding card 登机牌
security check 安检
see off 送行
keep in touch 保持联系
safe landing 安全着陆
board 登机
take off 起飞
departure 离港
safety / sect belt 安全带
land 着陆
arrival 进港

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